Is Functional Weakness Dragging You Down?

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Is Functional Weakness Dragging You Down?

Are You Firing On All Cylinders?

In order for your body to move well with minimal effort and maximum control you need a nervous system that detects and modifies muscle tone accurately.

If there is poor detection of movement, the nerves fail to fire correctly or at the correct time, so the muscles cannot be  contracted to protect your joints. Most of the time this will hardly be noticed, but you may feel a bit lethargic. If you play sport you may find you are a bit slower round the court or less accurate on the driving range.

Think of your body as a V10 Ferrari engine, now take off one of the HT leads (loss of spark to one cylinder), now slightly time another one wrong. The result a poorly engine that sounds bad and if pushed could get badly damaged.  Fundamentally there’s nothing wrong with the engine but if it’s spark (nervous system) is not firing or out of time the result can be serious.

If you are feeling sluggish, or you’ve lost form in your sport you need to think about getting your muscles (engine) tested to get the timing back.

Chiropractic uses muscle testing to identify weaknesses and can use provocative challenges to accurately re-tune you. The result is you have increased power, work more efficiently and therefore have more stamina and also more accuracy. In short you could end up feeling great, when was the last time you felt great? Not after a bowl of Frosties I’m sure!!

Now if you then add in exercises that groove normal movement patterns, and build that up into strengthening and stamina building exercises which enhance the correct movement pattern, you have the recipe for a healthy musculo-skeletal system that is energy efficient.

In short you’ll be firing on all cylinders with a turbo-charger bolted on for good measure!

All the best,


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