Sports & Performance Training

Home 9 Sports & Performance Training

What Does Sports and Performance Training Involve?

Strength, power and accuracy rely on your reflexes working at their best. Chiropractic tuning of the nervous system plays a key role in sports activities. Repetitive strain or overuse during sport and exercise can have a detrimental effect on your joint function.
This leads to:

  • Reduced joint mobility
  • Reduced overall flexibility
  • Reduced muscle and joint strength
  • Reduced reflexes and therefore performance

Chiropractic has been well documented to help with:

  • Regaining co-ordination
  • Strength and flexibility
  • Agility and balance
  • Kinesthetic perception
  • Power and reaction time

Why do Athletes Choose Chiropractic Care even When They are Fit and Healthy?

Many of the world’s greatest athletes choose to include chiropractic care as part of their lifestyle because it works.

In fact many sports teams and individuals employ chiropractors as an integral part of their team such as Chelsea FC, AC Milan, Tiger Woods to name but a few.The whole principle behind chiropractic treatment is to restore spinal health to help your reflexes fire accurately. Then your body has the best opportunity to function at its peak. It is not hard to understand why the professionals enjoy what chiropractic has to offer.

Of course you don’t need to be an Olympian to go to a chiropractor, anyone who uses his/her body needs it to function at its peak. At Back In Form we can help you achieve this and maintain your competitive edge.

Sports Injuries can be a Major Concern for Athletes of all Abilities

You want your sports performance training to help you be the best you can in your sport. You also want to avoid sports injuries in the first place. Let’s take the weekend athlete, or for that matter, anyone who enjoys exercising. Injuries happen, pure and simple. While they can be minimized, they cannot be totally avoided.

If you participate enough in any physical activity, eventually you will get hurt to some degree. The way in which you treat your injuries determines how fast you recover, and how quickly you can get back to the activity you enjoy.

Chiropractic offers a balanced approach to sports performance training and treatment of sports injuries. By using chiropractic adjustments to get you reflexes and joints working correctly. Applying soft tissue therapy to help the supportive tissues (muscles, tendons, and ligaments), we can get you back in form. We will give you strategies for exercise and stretching, to help you get the most enjoyment you can from your sport and help you stay at your best.