Ten Top Tips To Avoid Back Pain Or Other Injuries This Christmas

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Ten Top Tips To Avoid Back Pain Or Other Injuries This Christmas

A Look At Potential Pitfalls In A Festive Spirit.

It’s Christmas!

Well not quite, but the infamous words of Noddy Holder have probably been ringing out for a while now on the high street, but I wouldn’t know about that. Instead of doing this a bit at a time, I join the usual rush of stressed out men looking for that last minute present. So how do I keep from getting knots and aches when out? Buy vouchers and be done with it I hear you cry! Certainly an idea, but believe it or not I do carry bags and this is how I avoid the pains and aches over the Christmas period right up to New Year.

Tip 1: Take Your Time Shopping!

But you said “I do it last minute”. That’s true, but I give myself time and before I shop, I mentally prepare myself by remembering that Christmas is about being festive. So while sauntering around and letting everyone else twist and duck and dive past I hum a carol or two and get in the spirit of things. How does this help? Stress will lead to increased tension and more likelihood of muscle strains. So relax and enjoy it.

Tip 2: Park Where It’s Easy To Get Back To From All The Shops. (Or do it Online)

You know how it is, you’ve already got a load of bags and the shoulders are feeling sore, but you’ll just pop into M & S for a few more bits, then you come out looking like a sherpa on the Himalayas.

Disc Prolapse Here We Come!

Well don’t do it, when you’ve got a few things take them back to the car, lock them in the boot and feel the tension go as you stroll back to your next target. Better still, do it online! (it’s not the same though is it, you’ll miss the joy of seeing someone wrapped in tinsell after the office party).

Tip 3: Wrap Up Warm.

Simple this one, if it’s freezing and windy you’ll immediately be more vulnerable to a muscle strain, wear a scarf and layers so if you get hot you can always take one off.

Tip 4: Rest Every Now And Then And Keep Hydrated.

Why not do this after dropping off the first load in the car, then you won’t have someone standing on Mum’s new cardy in the cafe. Have a warming drink and a snack to recharge your batteries, if it’s caffeinated make sure you have water though so you don’t dehydrate. Muscles are more likely to strain if dehydrated. If you had a sneaky sherry or mulled wine somewhere this is even more important!

Tip 5: Care When Lifting (or hiding it for that matter).

You’ve been out all day, hopefully not fed up and hungry, but full of joy as you don’t have to go back again for another year! You now have a boot full of presents, some wanted, some useless, but it’s the thought that counts. When you lift, pull things towards you and keep your lower back locked out. Don’t try and do it all at once if it’s heavy. The same goes for when you stuff it under the bed, at the top of the cupboard or in the loft, don’t twist and lift. Keep your back straight. We all know that one, but how often do you really take care when lifting?

Tip 6: Exercise! Even if in a queue!

I’m not expecting you to get on all fours, but there are a few exercises that you can do when stood in a queue that can really help your lower limb strength and stability. Firstly, as you’re wearing a big coat you can do buttock tenses and no one will be any the wiser as long as you remember to breath! Stand with legs shoulder width apart, and simply tense buttocks while gently pushing feet outwards while they stay firmly rooted to the floor, you can combine this by tensing the lower abs too. Remember to breathe! Another is to stand feet shoulder apart, grip the floor with your feet, and lean forward slightly keeping your body rigidly straight. Do this until your heels just start to lift off the floor, think of Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards (ski jumper extraordinaire for those too young to remember). Hold both exercises for count of 5 and relax and repeat. If you spend an hour in a queue you’ll have  had a great workout.

You don’t need to lean this far forward!

Tip 7: Sit Up Straight And Support Yourself.

Self explanatory really, you’ve had a few sherries, eaten too much, got bored with being cooped in with all the relatives, so you commandere the sofa or armchair and settle down for an assault on the chocolates, while watching a film you’ve seen before. Well, before that military manouveure make sure you have a cushion behind you, and if its a particularly soft sofa, have one underneath your hips as well so that they are level with your knees. Make sure you regularly get up and move around, even better go for a walk and stretch those legs. You’ll feel much better for it and it’ll help the lunch go down. If you’re having to travel, get out now and again and walk about too. Don’t lift your heavy bags straight after arriving, stand up for a while first, see our travel tips.

Tip 8: Never Play Twister!

There are occasions when this could be very beneficial, but best left to younger generations or students.

Tip 9: Care at Office Parties.

It’s pretty common to see a few self inflicted injuries due to overindulgence and temporary visual and reduced balance injuries! If your colleagues are dancing on the tables and you want to join them please make sure it’s sturdy, Limbo dancing is also best left to the professionals. Choose your dance partner wisely to avoid dislocated shoulders and whiplash.

Tip 10: Invest In Your Health.

Last and by no means least, if you’ve had problems before, have a check up so that you know you’re working better and not on the verge of an injury. Christmas time means less availability and it’s a time for enjoying yourself in the company of others. Don’t ruin it with a bad back or neck,pop in and make the most of it.

Have fun and enjoy it.

All the best


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